Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Parking Lot Birds

I've been meaning to post this for a while now.  Back in March, a pair of Killdeer laid their eggs in the parking lot at my husband's work.  This has been going on for generations now.  What's weird, is they made their nest right in the middle of the parking lot, in a median, on top of bark mulch that the Killdeer and their eggs blended right into.  I was so afraid someone would accidentally step on them, luckily the parent Killdeer were pretty vocal when anyone came near.

Killdeer on nest

Oops, I scared her away. (I really didn't mean to, I was keeping a distance and being quick about it.)

Then, in mid April, three of the eggs hatched.  No one knows what happened with the fourth egg, but there were some crows and starlings that had been bothering them.
As a size reference, check out the regular sized curb it's standing in front of.

Worried Mom keeps a close eye on things.

fast motion!

A week or two after this, they were flying!


  1. OMG! great shots melanie!! that nest placement is so typical of killdeer - you're always like "what are you thinking?!"

  2. So true! I love that Rush has always talked about their poor choice in hanging around train tracks and nesting there, and I've actually seen that a number of times. And even better, I have a book with a photo of them doing just that. Funny little birds..
