Friday, December 31, 2010

Smith and Bybee Lakes Wildlife Area

This was my first official birding trip.  It included binoculars, a scope and the ever important coffee debriefing, where we review all the birds we see, write them in our birding journal and check off any new species.  Of course at this point I didn't have a birding journal, but my cousin did give me a checklist of local birds.  I missed a lot of what was seen by others while I tired to figure out the binoculars I had borrowed.  During the debrief, I could picture only  two of the species we saw, the others just seemed to be small random birds, A.K.A "Little Brown Jobbers".  Regardless, I was interested in another trip at some point.  

  • Juvenile Bald Eagle*
  • Bushtits* (I remember thinking, "BUSH-whats?!?!")
  • Red-Tailed Hawk
  • Brown Creeper*
  • Song Sparrow*
  • Bufflehead*


Digiscope picture of the Juvenile Bald Eagle