Like I've mentioned before, I have always had some interest in birds.
This is the earliest photographic evidence of that... (haha)
It's so funny, the random things that come up when you go through old photos.
Hahaha! I almost forgot about this...
In Dec. of 2006, this male Ringed-Necked Pheasant* literally appeared in our backyard one day out of no where.
April 2008 - this Orange-Crowned Warbler* caught my attention.
In June 2010, a male Downy Woodpecker* would come by for a daily visit to a bird bell I put out on my patio.
I set up my bird feeder around the time I first started really getting into birding.
(Around March 2011) Since I set up my feeder at the beginning of my birding "career", many of the birds I saw were lifers. Seeing and successfully identifying birds on my feeder helped fuel the growing birder within.
March 2011
House Finch |
April 2011
- House Finches*
- Black-Capped Chickadees*
- Song Sparrow
- Yellow-Rumped Warbler* - male
May 2011
- Cooper's Hawk - scoped it from the living room! heehee
- House Sparrow - male
- Red-Winged Blackbird - male
- White-Crowned Sparrow
- Red-Winged Blackbird - female
- Anna's Hummingbird* - male
- Black-Headed Grosbeak*
- Purple Finches - after so many house finches, I started to develop a keen eye.
Red-Winged Blackbird and House Sparrow - weird combo |
Young male Red-Winged Blackbird |
Black-Headed Grosbeak |
June 2011
- Mourning Doves*
- Great Blue Heron - flying majestically above
- Northern Harrier - perched on the play structure at my apartments!
- Norther Flicker
July 2011
- Song Sparrow - after being gone for 2+ months. and even now I rarely see song sparrows at my feeder.
- American Goldfinch
September 2011
- Oregon Juncos - for some reason it took them forever to show up at my feeder, but they basically haven't left since.
- Western Scrub-Jay
- Downy Woodpecker - back for the first time in over a year! only briefly this time :
This Anna's Hummingbird comes by on a daily basis and sits on that branch, chattin' up a storm. |
A young House Sparrow sits in a basket of seeds. I love this one because he almost looks like a tiny hawk staring down at his prey. |
The now full grown House Sparrow emerges from the basket of seed. |
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
- European Starling - surprisingly they've only visited 1 or 2 times
January 2012
Anna's Humming bird |
Febuary 2012
March 2012
- American Goldfinches - first of the season!
- Great Egret - flying above
- Song Sparrow
- Lesser Goldfinches
House Sparrow |
House Sparrow - male and House Finch - female |