11.27.12 (Cont.)
As is almost tradition with my cousin and I, when we go to one spot, we must go to another, ESPECIALLY if there were lifers at the first spot. It's almost hard to stop birding after one starts.
Right off we see this male Downy Woodpecker. |
Additionally we saw:
- Oregon Juncos
- Black-Capped Chickadees
- Bushtits
- Ruby-Crowned Kinglets
- Mallards
- Gadwalls
- Hooded Mergansers 8+ pairs!
- Buffleheads - females only
- Canada Geese
- Ring-Necked Duck
- Northern Flicker
- Western Scrub-Jay
- Spotted Towhee
I think I was getting tired, because I completely missed out on Golden-Crowned Sparrows and a Brown Creeper! Plus, I hardly took any pictures.
Tunnel through the woods. |