Sunday, March 3, 2013


My first trip to this refuge and a great one it was.  Good birds, good people.  :)

Great Blue Heron Rookery, with more GBH's I've ever seen in one area!

Then the rookery all flew overhead together - outstanding!!!

Great Blue Heron

American Kestrel - Female

Same American Kestrel

A bird I never thought I would see in the Pacific Northwest - Mute Swan! *A Lifer!

Male Belted Kingfisher.  Just finished eating a frog.  I missed the shot, but I saw the action. 
Could it be?

The bird I've searched for countless times?

The bird I questioned actually existed...

The Barn Owl!!!
Needless to say at this point...
Barn Owl = LIFER!!!


  1. Great blog, i discovered it on instagram! Love the Krestrel shot on the "refuge" sign ;-)

  2. Thank you very much, I'm so glad you checked out my blog! Come back and visit again. :D
